Science Get Together #SGT25
Abstract & poster submission
I want to upload the profile of my working group
I want to upload a scientific poster
If we have any questions who may we contact?
First name
Last name
Email address of contact person
Confirmation Email
Name of working group
Do you currently receive one of the following PMU research grants?
PMU-Research and Innovation Fund (SEED, PRE, FIRE, UP, IiF)
Brückenschlag Salzburg-Nuremberg
Research and Innovation Centers (FIZ)
FIZ Talent Pool
Upload profile (Steckbrief)
Browse file
Dateien hierher ziehen
Datei wählen
Please make sure that your profile meets all requirements. For more information please visit our website.
Title of the project being exhibited
Upload poster
Browse file
Dateien hierher ziehen
Datei wählen
Please make sure that the poster meets all requirements. For more information please visit our website. Please also make sure to bring you printed poster with you on the day of the event.
Upload abstract
Browse file
Dateien hierher ziehen
Datei wählen
Please make sure that the abstract meets all requirements. For more information please visit our website.
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